List of Articles using MEDOC resources

Role of the Coronal Environment in the Formation of Four Shocks Observed without Coronal Mass Ejections at Earth's Lagrangian Point L1, Pick, M., Magdalenić J., Cornilleau-Wehrlin N., Grison B., Schmieder B., and Bocchialini K. , Astrophys. J., Volume 895, p.144, (2020)
Measuring relative abundances in the solar corona with optimised linear combinations of spectral lines, Prado, Natalia Zambrana, and Buchlin Éric , Astron. Astrophys., Dec, Volume 632, p.A20, (2019)
Erratum: Correction to: Statistical Analysis of Solar Events Associated with Storm Sudden Commencements over One Year of Solar Maximum During Cycle 23: Propagation from the Sun to the Earth and Effects, Bocchialini, K., Grison B., Menvielle M., Chambodut A., Cornilleau-Wehrlin N., Fontaine D., Marchaudon A., Pick M., Pitout F., Schmieder B., et al. , Solar Phys., Apr, Volume 294, p.38, (2019)
Feature Ranking of Active Region Source Properties in Solar Flare Forecasting and the Uncompromised Stochasticity of Flare Occurrence, Campi, Cristina, Benvenuto Federico, Massone Anna Maria, D. Bloomfield Shaun, Georgoulis Manolis K., and Piana Michele , Astrophys. J., Volume 883, p.150, (2019)
Which Photospheric Characteristics Are Most Relevant to Active-Region Coronal Mass Ejections?, Kontogiannis, Ioannis, Georgoulis Manolis K., Guerra Jordan A., Park Sung-Hong, and D. Bloomfield Shaun , Solar Phys., Volume 294, p.130, (2019)
Flare forecasting and feature ranking using SDO/HMI data, Piana, M., Campi C., Benvenuto F., Guastavino S., and Massone A. M. , Nuovo Cimento C Geophysics Space Physics C, Volume 42, p.30, (2019)
Some relationships between radiative and atmospheric quantities through 1D NLTE modeling of prominences in the Mg II lines, Vial, J. - C., Zhang P., and Buchlin E. , Astron. Astrophys., Apr, Volume 624, p.A56, (2019)
Launch of a CME-associated eruptive prominence as observed with IRIS and ancillary instruments, Zhang, P., Buchlin E., and Vial J. - C. , Astron. Astrophys., Apr, Volume 624, p.A72, (2019)
Searching for g modes. II. Unconfirmed g-mode detection in the power spectrum of the time series of round-trip travel time, Appourchaux, T., and Corbard T. , Astron. Astrophys., Apr, Volume 624, p.A106, (2019)
Elemental composition in quiescent prominences, Parenti, S., Del Zanna G., and Vial J. - C. , Astron. Astrophys., May, Volume 625, p.A52, (2019)
Connecting the Properties of Coronal Shock Waves with Those of Solar Energetic Particles, Kouloumvakos, Athanasios, Rouillard Alexis P., Wu Yihong, Vainio Rami, Vourlidas Angelos, Plotnikov Illya, Afanasiev Alexandr, and Önel Hakan , Astrophys. J., May, Volume 876, p.80, (2019)
Comprehensive Determination of the Hinode/EIS Roll Angle, Pelouze, Gabriel, Auchère Frédéric, Bocchialini Karine, Harra Louise, Baker Deborah, Warren Harry P., Brooks David H., and Mariska John T. , Solar Phys., May, Volume 294, p.59, (2019)
Coronal Mass Ejections over Solar Cycles 23 and 24, Lamy, P. L., Floyd O., Boclet B., Wojak J., Gilardy H., and Barlyaeva T. , Space Sci. Rev., Aug, Volume 215, p.39, (2019)
Searching for g modes. I. A new calibration of the GOLF instrument, Appourchaux, T., Boumier P., Leibacher J. W., and Corbard T. , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 617, p.A108, (2018)
Statistical Analysis of Solar Events Associated with Storm Sudden Commencements over One Year of Solar Maximum During Cycle 23: Propagation from the Sun to the Earth and Effects, Bocchialini, K., Grison B., Menvielle M., Chambodut A., Cornilleau-Wehrlin N., Fontaine D., Marchaudon A., Pick M., Pitout F., Schmieder B., et al. , Solar Phys., Volume 293, (2018)
Photospheric Shear Flows in Solar Active Regions and Their Relation to Flare Occurrence, Park, Sung-Hong, Guerra Jordan A., Gallagher Peter T., Georgoulis Manolis K., and D. Bloomfield Shaun , Solar Phys., Volume 293, p.114, (2018)
More about solar g modes, Fossat, E., and Schmider F. X. , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 612, (2018)
Testing and Improving a Set of Morphological Predictors of Flaring Activity, Kontogiannis, Ioannis, Georgoulis Manolis K., Park Sung- Hong, and Guerra Jordan A. , Solar Phys., Volume 293, p.96, (2018)
On the Occurrence of Thermal Nonequilibrium in Coronal Loops, Froment, C., Auchère F., Mikic Z., Aulanier G., Bocchialini K., Buchlin E., Solomon J., and Soubrie E. , Astrophys. J., Volume 855, (2018)
Connecting Coronal Mass Ejections to Their Solar Active Region Sources: Combining Results from the HELCATS and FLARECAST Projects, Murray, Sophie A., Guerra Jordan A., Zucca Pietro, Park Sung-Hong, Carley Eoin P., Gallagher Peter T., Vilmer Nicole, and Bothmer Volker , Solar Phys., Apr, Volume 293, p.60, (2018)
