Nanoflare Statistics from First Principles: Fractal Geometry and Temperature Synthesis

TitreNanoflare Statistics from First Principles: Fractal Geometry and Temperature Synthesis
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuteursAschwanden, M. J., and Parnell C. E.
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Date PublishedJun

{We derive universal scaling laws for the physical parameters of flarelike processes in a low-β plasma, quantified in terms of spatial length scales l, area A, volume V, electron density n$_{e}$, electron temperature T$_{e}$, total emission measure M, and thermal energy E. The relations are specified as functions of two independent input parameters, the power index a of the length distribution, N(l)\~ l$^{-a}$, and the fractal Haussdorff dimension D between length scales l and flare areas, A(l)\~ l$^{D}$. For values that are consistent with the data, i.e
